Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Progress update as of 02.17.2009

Now that we've been gaining momentum with FixMyStreet adaptation and several partnerships with local organizations in Chennai and Bangalore, we'll start providing weekly progress updates. Below are updates since the last blog post.

1. New eMoksha.org website is getting close to launch. Planned launch date is Feb 23, 2009.
2. Made good progress on the technology front. We have a skeletal FixMyStreet up and running on a development host including integration with Google Maps and support for latitude/longitude (as opposed to easting/northing). Based on the current backlog, we estimate the rest of the changes to take anywhere between 6-8 weeks, enabling a possible beta launch by mid-April.
3. Based on current conversations with the Janaagraha team, it's likely that we would launch the civic infrastructure management platform (yet to be named - if you've any suggestions please mail to suggestions@emoksha.org) in Bangalore along with Chennai.

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